Case Study: DRA Advisors

One of our clients suffered a significant power surge that rendered their domain controller unusable. Wouldn’t boot, couldn’t repair. Disaster Recovery in action. Not even a standard UPS could keep it up and running.

Kirk Alexander

CEO Teams

About the Client

Imagine your ERP system goes down. All files lost. Customer data. Financials. Inventory. Everything. What do you do? How do you recover from such a crippling disaster? How many days can a business function without its data? The answer for most is none.

Located in Atlanta, Georgia and servicing clients throughout the Southeast US, CEO Teams is a technology consulting firm focused on providing the SMB market with value-added services in the areas of Enterprise Resource Planning, Network and Systems Management, Security and Privacy, Technical Support, and Training.

Two years ago, they decided to add more value to their managed services by providing Storage Guardian data protection tools.

CEO Teams typically recommends at least two backups to clients – one of which is offsite using Storage Guardian’s online solution.

That guidance recently proved extremely valuable.

"All I can say is thankfully, we had Storage Guardian to help. Our client was up and running within two days."

"We originally went with Storage Guardian because they were the right size for us – their personal service stood out," says Alexander. "Their notification system is feature-rich, their pricing structure is flexible, and now, they have proven themselves in the moment of crisis."

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